Things continue to change on a daily basis regarding the containment of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). More communities, including the federal government, have called for increased social distancing to help contain the virus from infecting more people. Here in Hawaii, Governor Ige (as of March 17th), in agreement with the recommendation from the CDC, issued a statement to slow the spread of COVID-19, which calls for a limit of 10 people on group size and for worship services and activities to be suspended.
Certainly, this is not our first choice (Hebrews 3:12-13, 10:24-25). However, as disciples and fellow citizens (Romans 13:1), we need to do our part to prevent the spread of this disease as much as possible. We want to stay ahead of the curve in all that we can do to be part of the solution. With that being said, the decision and direction we’re taking as a church are not based out of fear, but out of practicality and responsibility to ourselves, our families and others. We will continue to meet, but the way we fellowship will have to be more creative. So what’s our plan for the next several weeks?
Principles and Practicals
Sunday Worship
We're asking the HCLs and OGLs to work closely together to identify needs, especially for our Kupuna who may need help shopping or running errands. For those who may need financial assistance, please contact Gordon Rabacal (808.429.4688) who leads our benevolence team.
It goes without saying that we’re experiencing a global problem. From a spiritual perspective, God is in control and our trust must remain in him (Psalm 46:1, Php 4:6-7, John 16:33). I want to encourage all of us to see the blessings in the midst of these challenges (Romans 8:28). As a church family, this is an opportunity to let the light of God shine brightly in our lives (Matt 5:16, John 13:34-35). Roger Dequina mentioned a quote that he came across, and it goes like this:
Viruses are contagious
So is panic, fear, hysteria,
Calm, love, enthusiasm, kindness, joy.
Choose wisely.
Let’s continue to be prayerful. Let’s stick together and glorify God.
In Love,
Anthony, along with the staff, members of the MAG and HCLs
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